Craig Ferguson Gives Rose Byrne a Lap Dance on ‘The Tonight’
We kind of think Craig Ferguson was just waiting for an invitation on ‘The Tonight Show’ (Weeknights, 11:35PM ET on CBS). He was sitting on the couch while Jay Leno was talking to Rose Byrne about her experience working on ‘Bridesmaids.’
When Byrne started talking about how Kristen Wiig took the ladies out for a night of bonding, that wound up at a male strip club, Leno started really probing her for details.
“Oh, don’t act like you’ve never been there,” Ferguson said to him.
Leno was asking if they were facing toward her or away from her, wanting an idea of how they straddled her. When Byrne started trying to explain, Leno asked Ferguson to demonstrate, and ‘The Late Late Show’ host was more than happy to oblige.
He Tweeted about it shortly afterward. “Aw crap. I just gave Rose Byrne a lap dance on the Tonight Show. I may have gone too far,” he wrote, adding the hashtag #creepyscotsman.
Well, Ferguson is okay with being kind of creepy on his own show, so why not ‘The Tonight Show’ as well?